XNA – Converting from angle to Vector2 and back

I was recently working on an XNA project and needed to convert from an angle to a Vector2. There are a lot of resources showing how to go one way (angle->Vector2) or the other (Vector2->angle) but not many showing both. So, I figured it might be helpful to put it up here, even if I only use it for reference.

Angle -> Vector2

Now, the reason I make the Y value negative is because that’s how the screen coordinate system works. If you didn’t do this, the angle in radians would go clock-wise instead of counter-clockwise.

Vector2 -> Angle
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XNA – Check if a click is on the game form/window

One of the annoying things with XNA, happens when handling mouse clicks. If you’ve ever worked on an XNA windows game (note: this only really applies to a windows game) in windowed mode and tried switching applications, you may have noticed that XNA still captures the clicks even when the window is not active! It also reports the mouse position when it’s outside of the window which can cause more issues in and of itself. Unfortunately, the fix for the first problem doesn’t work if you’re using multiple forms in the same application.

So, we have three issues:

  • XNA captures clicks while the game is not active (i.e. from other applications)
  • and it reports the mouse position when it’s outside of the viewable area
  • and the fix for the first item above doesn’t work when you have multiple forms in your application.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to resolve these! “Great!”, you say, “now how do I do it?”. Click on, my friend.

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