How To Break SQL Server

During Advanced Database class today I figured out a new way of breaking SQL server. Well, technically I found two ways but who’s counting, right? If all you read is this introduction I’ll cut straight to the TLDR summary: If you have SQL Server installed on a domain server (or installed in a domain), do not remove/delete the domain. If you have any experience with SQL server you may know what I’m getting at but I bet you didn’t guess that I broke it in two separate ways all in one go! If you’re curious, Read the rest of this entry »


Well, the site has officially been up for a few hours now so I guess I should get around to writing this intro post. I’ve already explained and talked about myself in the about page so I guess I’ll just explain a bit more about what I plan to do with this blog.
One of my main resources for troubleshooting problems, either computer related or otherwise, has always been the internet. I have google’d hundreds (if not thousands) of queries trying to problem solve and troubleshoot code errors, hardware issues, life problems, curiosities, anything really. Quite a number of the things that I have found were from personal blogs of people who know (or at least seem to know) what they are talking about. I can only hope that some day, someone will say that about me too.

Thus it begins…:-)

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